Alexander Pett
Alexander has 20 years experience helping leaders and leadership teams to improve their ability to execute strategies. He works with clients to establish the leadership capabilities and behaviours necessary for creating and sustaining high performance. He is a Director of River Leadership, an Associate Director of Change Logic LLC, and a member of faculty for the national NHS Leadership Academy.
Alexander supports leaders with strategic innovation and change, senior team development, leadership programmes and executive coaching. This includes work with executives in Barclays Bank, Nike, Experian, Jacobs Engineering, Veritas Technologies, Spirent Telecommunications, the Office for Nuclear Regulation, and extensive work across the Health and Education Sectors.
Previously he was Head of Leadership and Talent for British Telecom and Kingfisher Group. He draws from five core areas of research and practice – Strategic Innovation, Action Science, Reading the Room, the Human Potential Movement, and Strategic Diversity. He has worked with Change Logic since 2013.