Venture Building. Build radical or adjacent businesses to diversify how you generate revenue.

Combining the art and science of ideating, incubating and scaling new ventures from within a corporation.

We’ve done this for…

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Identify potential solutions to solve acute business problems, from a customer’s point of view.

Ideate Scroll

“We actually set up a way to innovate Yohana and ​to make sure that we build a user- first product that can work in isolation as well.”  

Yoky Matsuoka
CEO PanasonicWELL & Founder of Google X


Evolve validated concepts into revenue generating businesses using disciplined test and learn to move from problem solution fit, to product market fit.

Incubate Scroll

“Every company has a core product that they produce today. If they are a smart company, they activate their R&D departments to come up with new products for future generations so that they connect with the customers of tomorrow.”

Tomer Zvulun
Artistic Director of The Atlanta Opera
Uniqa Scroll
Incubate Scroll

“Our Machine-as-a-Service venture can be the most important business of IMCA in the near future. More customers are interested, and the model has the possibility to be expanded with new add-on offerings…Change Logic did an excellent job.”

Sergio Soto
Chief Operating Officer, IMCA

We are growth builders

We partner with visionary leaders to realize their businesses’ full potential.