CUNA – Innovation Case Study


CUNA – Preparing for Seismic Shifts

Change Logic worked with the senior team to define a growth ambition and strategy for responding to their rapidly changing market and to better serve their members

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CUNA is a national financial services trade association that advocates for the entire credit union movement across 50 states.

CUNA provides advocacy, networking opportunities, conferences, nation-wide awareness campaigns, and educational programs in areas such as compliance and consumer engagement.

The credit union faced seismic shifts in the market—fintech disruptors, digital platforms offering crowdfunding, crushing regulatory burdens, and ‘frictionless banking.’ CUNA came to Change Logic seeking a growth and innovation strategy. The organization wanted an updated operating model to better serve their growing and diverse membership and a strategy process that was more adaptable to change.

Change Logic’s Role

Change Logic worked with the senior team to define their growth ambition and strategies, decide their innovation portfolio, and ratify these with the Board of Directors. We engaged the business units to write strategic and operating plans detailing how they would deliver expected business outcomes. We customized and helped the team put into practice a robust, repeatable strategy process. We also assisted in creating a new governance system outlining the role and decision rights of key stakeholder groups, along with a strategy dashboard to track progress against outcomes.


  • CUNA developed its growth strategy, innovation portfolio, and investment strategy.
  • CUNA introduced a robust strategy process and governance structure that remains in place today.
  • CUNA Board of Directors praised the Strategic Plan and Dashboard as one of the clearest explanations of ambition and strategy the team had ever developed.
  • Several CUNA Board members adopted CUNA’s new process for their own organizations.

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