Electronics Multinational – Innovation Case Study

Launching an Innovation Organization Within an Electronics Multinational

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The Challenge

How might we help a commoditized electronics manufacturer diversify their revenue streams by exploring new data – led, service based business models?

Change Logic’s Role

  • Strategy – helped leader decide ambition, market selection and OKRs for innovation unit.
  • Organization Design – designed leadership structure, core capabilities, and roles and responsibilities.
  • Operating Model – designed and implemented management system and methodology to ideate, incubate, and scale new ventures.
  • Culture of Innovation – launched and supported first cohort of corporate explorers to develop internal venture ideas.


  • Corporate ambition and focused set of Hunting Zones aligned guiding selection of new internal venture ideas.
  • New agile, sprint-based Ideate, Incubate, and Scale innovation method in place.
  • Early ventures coached through major milestones; ownership of innovation methods successfully transitioned to internal leaders.

We are growth builders

We partner with visionary leaders to realize their businesses’ full potential.