Innovation Accelerator – Innovation Case Study

Creating an Innovation Accelerator to Build New Digital Businesses

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The Challenge

A leading rare disease biotechnology firm faced increasing competition in it’s core markets. The leadership team identified innovation as a key enabler to future strategic positioning, with significant opportunity in data and digital tools.

Change Logic’s Role

  • Ambition –we designed the business case, established the team, and built out the accelerator capability.
  • Setup and Operations – launched Sprint Teams to develop identified opportunities and designed governance practices for team sponsors.
  • Ecosystem & partnerships – engaged teams with the digital pharma ecosystem, including startup engagement and partnerships. Ecosystem adoption strategy designed.


  • Funding and sponsorship secured for new business projects exiting the accelerator in areas such as digital biomarkers and digital clinical trials.
  • Venture scaling paths identified and designed.
  • Other digital projects folded into the Accelerator from across the business – realizing the power of the ‘attractor’ strategy due to success.

We are growth builders

We partner with visionary leaders to realize their businesses’ full potential.