Eugene Ivanov

change logic team eugene ivanov

Eugene Ivanov

Eugene helps Change Logic clients to design and execute ideation projects using open and crowd sourcing techniques. Eugene has 17 years of experience in helping organizations apply open innovation approaches to create value. He launched, managed, and expanded innovation programs for more than 50 clients including tech, food, and consumer goods companies; government agencies; and nonprofit organizations. He also advised technology transfer offices and private innovation funds in several foreign countries on the design and implementation of technology innovation and commercialization programs.

Eugene spent ten years working at InnoCentive, one of the world’s first commercial crowdsourcing platforms. There, he launched and executed 350+ internal and external innovation challenges, has been instrumental in developing a proprietary platform for internal crowdsourcing, and managed InnoCentive’s first Grand Challenge with the award amount of $1M. Before joining Change Logic, Eugene was Technical Crowdsourcing Lead at Mozilla.

In January 2020, Eugene published his first book, “We the People of the Crowd…”, a collection of stories about crowdsourcing reflecting his personal experience in working with corporate and nonprofit clients. He also writes blog “Innovation Observer.” Eugene holds a B.S. in Biology and Physiology and Ph.D. in Genetics from St. Petersburg University (St. Petersburg, Russia).